Wendy Angel |Site Map | Actual Art

multidisciplinary intermedia accumulation

Choose a painting to see how it evolved.

36" x 48"
oil on canvas
30" x 36"
oil on canvas
30" x 36"
oil on canvas

30" x 36"
oil on canvas

30" x 36"
oil on canvas

42" x 36"
oil on canvas

more eventually

Anatomy of Paintings > Comments Welcome

Change is radical and relatively rapid at the beginning phase of a painting. Usually something from the beginning remains all the way through. Sometimes there is a major shift in early or middle stages. Once a composition takes hold there is a long process of developing nuances. The end phase is often slow and subtle.

Paintings are dated according to the dates they are finished. Usually they progress for a year or two. Sometimes they meander for a long time, and sometimes I rework canvases from earlier times.

I started documenting the process of paintings with a digital camera in 2004. Although I had previously shot photos of paintings in process, the use of film limited the number and usability of paintings-in-process photos. With a digital camera, auto-slide shows and the web facilitate a glimpse into the process of how the paintings develope.


Q & A

Q: Has anyone else done this?
A: On the web? I don’t know. With photos...

Q: How do you know when a painting is finished?
A: When I don’t see anything more that will make it more clearly what it is and further work would move towards change rather than completion.





Wendy Angel is a painter and new media artist. Angel's work has been exhibited and published in various contexts and locations.

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